
Forest Clearing

Through proactive practices, we have competent teams ready for clearing and deforesting fields (as well as cleaning/pruning trees).

If you are an owner, tenant, usufructuary (private or collective person) of land “near buildings, such as houses, yards, warehouses, workshops, factories or other equipment”, it is obligatory to clean these same lands “within a 50-meter range around those buildings or facilities measured from the exterior masonry of the building”, as stipulated in n.º 2 of the Article 15.º of the Decreto-Lei n.º 124/2006 June 28th, altered in the Decreto-Lei n.º17/2009, January 14th.

Failure to comply with the aforementioned decree-law is an offense punishable with a fine between 140? and 5,000? in the case of a natural person an from ? 800 to ? 60,000 in the case of a legal person (Article 38 of Decree-Law no. 124/2006, of 28 June).  However, we should always clean the land as our civic and environmental duty.
